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The Narrative Method Participation Agreement

Updated 2/9/2023

In choosing to sign up for session with TNM you, the participant, agree to the following:

By attending a TNM online session, I agree to abide by The Narrative Method’s rules of mutual respect and confidentiality.


Mutual respect includes humbly putting oneself aside to listen to others’ stories and thoughts with compassion and empathy; staying aware of the impact of my words and behavior; being respectful of time and limiting my reading to the stated parameters of each group.


In addition, I will refrain from judging, correcting, critiquing, giving feedback or advice, or otherwise trying to fix others’ “problems.” As TNM online session participants, we are there to simply witness and appreciate each other.


Regarding confidentiality, I agree that everything that is said here, stays here. I will keep my camera on at all times, except while writing; I will keep my mic off except when called on to speak; and I will not record or transcribe any part of any session. Violation of any of these terms will be met with immediate removal from the session at any time without notice. 


I understand that The Narrative Method may feel therapeutic but it is not psychotherapy. TNM may not be right for everyone and participants understand that they are responsible for their own feelings. Participants are free to decide what they do or do not wish to share and are free to leave a session at any time. Participants also understand that they are entitled to their perspective about others’ comments, statements, writing or behavior, and that others are also entitled to their perspective. However, expression of these perspectives must be done under the above written parameters as determined by the facilitator.

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