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Book Shari Foos

TNM Founder Shari Foos is a sought-after speaker, facilitator and trainer. After decades working with numerous populations, Shari founded The Narrative Method in 2012 to address the crisis of connection by bringing together diverse individuals, groups and leaders to more deeply connect to themselves and each other. Participants use words like "profound," "safe," "creative” and "fun" to describe their experiences with TNM.

Book Shari For:

Keynote Speaking Engaging keynote speeches with interactive audience participation

Expert Training One-day and ongoing trainings in The Narrative Method

Salons, Workshops, Retreats and Special Events and customized experiences designed around your audience and goals

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To book Shari for your next event or discuss a custom program, please contact us at: 


Past Clients

Big Sunday, The Braid, Chrysalis, Downtown Womens Center, Center for Social Innovation, Center Theater Group, City of Santa Monica Wellness, IKAR, L.A. CAN, L.A. Family Housing, New Directions for Veterans, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Ohr Hatorah, Pen America, SETI Institute, Skid Row Housing Trust, SRO Housing Corporation, Utah Library Bookmobile, Vi Senior Living, Village Well, Voices of America, Didi Hirsch, Meridian Counseling, Open Paths, Roots, Inc., Stepping Forward, Campbell Hall High School, City Kids Foundation, Get Lit, L.A. Leadership Middle School, L.A.U.S.D., Lenox Middle School, Mikva Challenge, Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency, Urban Word, YPI, Youth Mentoring, Antioch University (SF Teaches TNM to undergrads and  BRIDGE students), La Guardia College, NYU Los Angeles, Teacher Created Materials, USC Keck, USC Brittenham Social Enterprise Lab, Big Bear Retreat Center, Bioneers, Canyon Creek Camp, Chautauqua Institute, Earth’s Call, Eastside Institute, J.I.B., Rancho La Puerta

Participant Testimonials

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