About The Narrative Method
Founded by psychotherapist Shari Foos, The Narrative Method is a California-based 501c3 nonprofit organization addressing the need for sharing our voices in an atmosphere of mutual respect without criticism. Thousands of individuals, from across the country and from all walks of life have bonded to themselves and others through The Narrative Method experience. Now in its 12th year, the Narrative Method's mission is more relevant than ever.
The Cult of Culture
The messages from the media, marketing propaganda, social media and the noise on the internet that confuse and shame you into conforming to groupthink, false information, unattainable standards and superficial goals.
TNM's mission is to bring together diverse individuals in safe spaces where they can let go of their self-consciousness and use their stories, creativity and humanity to connect more deeply to themselves and each other.
Our Mission
Who You Really Are
Your essential humanity and sense of self, separate from negative experiences and false perceptions.
Lantern in The Cave
Igniting your inspiration to see more clearly.
Reflecting and expanding your point of view to discover a multitude of perspectives.
Radical Gratitude
Choosing to live in a state of appreciation for the gifts and experiences of your life.
The experience of creative dreaming as a respite or a journey into your imagination.
Rocket Ship
The idea that small shifts in thought or action are enough to change your course.
Creative Force
Releasing the fire inside you through an active practice of self-expression.
The process of replacing false beliefs and integrating new information.
Flowers & Tears
Apology as an act of humility given without excuses or expectations; Forgiveness through putting yourself aside.
Sounds & Signals
The elements of communication that shape what you perceive and how you are understood.
Compassionately connecting to others with an open mind and mutual respect to better understand their perspective.
Narrative A.W.E.
Embracing awareness wonder and empathy without judgment, expression without fear and connection without limits.
Our Journey

Our Founder
Shari Foos is the founder of The Narrative Method, an award-winning 501C3 that addresses the crisis of loneliness by connecting people through their stories and creative expression. Now in its 12th year, TNM offers numerous online groups open to all as well as programs for underserved communities including veterans, youth in crises and mature adults.
Ms. Foos is a Marriage and Family Therapist licensed in California and New York. She earned an MS in Narrative Medicine from Columbia University (2012) and her MA in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles (1997), where she founded BRIDGE in 1999, a free humanities program for low-income adults, and where she is also an adjunct professor. She is the recipient of the New Directions for Veterans Community Hero Award (2015) and The Antioch University Los Angeles Lifetime Achievement Award (2016). Ms. Foos serves on the board of the City Kids Foundation and has served as a judge for Gold Humanism in Medicine since 2014. Prior to becoming a psychotherapist, Shari was a television writer, punk-rock singer and the creator of cutting-edge salons and events.
As a sought-after expert on the subjects of relationships, loneliness and meaningful connection, Foos’ writing and commentary have appeared in a range of online and print publications and podcasts, including Real Simple, Huffington Post, Women’s Health, KBLA, Fatherly, Thrive Global, Shondaland, The LA Weekly, Sparks & Honey Culture Briefings, Body Green, Sondership and Bustle.
Our Team

Dr. Sabine Jaccaud
Director of Strategy & Communications
Sabine is a corporate communications and organisational change leader with over twenty-five years’ experience in global roles. Her roots in academia and visual arts have underpinned her practice, grounding her work in both the rigor of research and the engagement of storytelling. After obtaining her doctorate at Oxford University while working in education, she built a career in integrated business communications. She has teams and complex programmes across branding, reputation strategy, community engagement, philanthropy, media relations, change and crisis management. She has operated across multiple sectors and worked in management consulting, public corporations, agencies, and as an independent practitioner, advisor and non-executive director. Her current focus is on the visual arts, culture, education and climate sectors. Sabine comes to the Narrative Method to drive their strategic growth, both deepening the reach and impact of their existing programs and broadening their geographic reach. She is a Swiss, British and Portuguese citizen, resident in Los Angeles since 2020.
Our Board

How much previous writing experience do I need to participate?
None! We welcome everyone regardless of experience because TNM is not a writing class. Rather, the focus is on putting aside your self-consciousness and allowing your infinite imagination to lead you.
How much do I have to write?
You write for a total of 14 minutes in 2 sections. You can write as little as you want, but no more than a total of one page or 500 words.
What writing materials do I need?
You may write on any device or use old-fashioned pen and paper. This is for you, so do it your way.
Do I have to write to the prompts that are given?
The prompts are meant to be a jumping-off point. Take them anywhere at all. You may write in any style, and in any voice you choose.
Do I have to share what I’ve written?
Yes! By choosing to join the TNM writing salons, you are choosing to participate. We don’t allow observers because it’s not fair to everyone else who is sharing.
Will my writing be critiqued?
No! We are here to share without criticism or compliments, to simply witness each other with an open heart and appreciation for wherever your imagination leads you.
What do I say in the small breakout room after someone has finished reading?
Absolutely nothing. We are there to witness each other without feedback, critiques or fixing. It may seem counterintuitive, but a compliment can run the same risk as a critique, taking us out of the safety of just being witnessed and appreciated. It also spares the listener from the pressure to say something.
What do we do once everyone has finished reading?
After everyone in your breakout has read, allow the conversation to go where it will. You are welcome to share about your own writing process, talk about the concept of the week, the prompt, or your own feelings. Speak only for yourself, and allow others to do the same. And please, no probing questions or self-promotion.
What if someone in my breakout room seems like they are in distress?
If someone seems in distress, you can ask if they are okay. Sometimes that is enough to make someone feel better. Or if they share, listen respectfully without interpreting or offering advice. If necessary, click “Ask for Help” in the meeting controls. Confirm that you would like assistance by clicking “Invite Host.”
What is The Mosaic?
The mosaic follows the breakouts. Everyone shares one of the sentences they’ve just written in rapid-fire, creating yet another, completely unpredictable story. The entire “story” will appear on our FB page in about a week.
Will the salons be recorded so we can do the writing later if we miss it?
For the safety and confidentiality of all participants, the online writing salons are rarely recorded, and you will be notified in the event they are.
Can I join the Zoom meeting from my phone?
You may join from any device that has access to Zoom. However, we encourage you to join from a computer if possible since phones don’t always allow you to go into breakout rooms.
I was not let in from the waiting room
We close the doors promptly so that everyone can start together. Please join us another time. Here's the link to sign up:
Can I come back to the Zoom meeting if my wifi tossed me off?
Yes, please do try! We know it’s frustrating and we do our best to help you return but the technology is limited so please bear with us.
Does my camera have to be on?
Yes, your video must remain on at all times except while writing. It is not fair to ask others to share their stories and thoughts to people they cannot see. If you cannot keep your camera on we will notify you a few times and then remove you for this session. But no hard feelings! Please come back again anytime your tech is working.
What does it mean if I am removed from a salon?
Cameras are required to participate, and unfortunately, you will be removed if you cannot keep yours on for any reason. The other reason participants would be removed is for inappropriate behavior, refusing to follow protocol or using hate speech.
How do I know what the Core Concept of the Week is?
The Core Concept of the Week is shared just before the prompts. They also appear in our weekly emails.
How do I sign up for TNM’s regular emails?
Sign up for an upcoming writing salon or subscribe at the bottom of our homepage.
Do I have to commit every week, or can I come whenever I choose?
The Narrative Method is here for you whenever you’d like to join! There are no obligations or strings attached.
Do I need to cancel my sign up if I can no longer attend?
There’s no need to cancel. We will look forward to seeing you next time!
Who created The Narrative Method?
Shari Foos founded The Narrative Method in 2012 in response to the Crisis of Connection. Shari is a marriage and family therapist with degrees in Narrative Medicine (Columbia University) and Clinical Psychology (Antioch University).
What inspired The Narrative Method?
The Narrative method is inspired by the values of social justice and influenced by people and concepts across many paradigms including psychology, sociology, philosophy and the dream of peace on earth.
How is the Narrative Method different from psychotherapy?
The Narrative Method is not psychotherapy. Rather, it is a non-hierarchical practice. We honor individual differences and do not pathologize, diagnose or solve participants’ problems. Rather we empathize with the challenge of maintaining our humanity in this technological world.
What are the 12 Core Concepts?
TNM’s 12 Core Concepts provide tools and perspectives to cope with life’s stressors and the pressure to conform. Each concept is designed to help you go deeper, and better understand yourself and others.
How is the Narrative Method funded?
TNM is a nonprofit organization funded by your donations, private contributions, foundation grants, and our online shop that sells DIY human cards and other goods. To visit the shop, click here.
Where can I send a donation?
Thanks for asking! To make a donation, click here.
Does The Narrative Method hold in-person events?
Yes! Prior to the COVID pandemic, The Narrative Method was made up of all in-person events. Stay up-to-date on special events by subscribing to The Narrative Method email list.
Can I book The Narrative Method experience for my event?
Yes! Email your inquiry to info@thenarrativemethod.org. We look forward to connecting with you!
How can I book Shari Foos as a speaker?
For speaking engagements or to bring Shari to your event, please email your inquiry to info@thenarrativemethod.org.